


简介:2023年,热闹的墨西哥拉开了今年另一部引人注目的海外剧:《没啥可瞅》。凭借着知名导演的掌镜,加上一众墨西哥本土优秀演员如恩里克·阿莱奥拉 、亚历桑德罗·卡尔瓦、Verónica Merchant、Francisco Calvillo、Tete Espinoza、Kike Vázquez、Paola Fernández、Alexis Arroyo的影响力,这部剧诞生了。故事主要围绕一个名为Alexis的小伙子展开。他是一位失明的年轻人,有着雄心勃勃的目标—独立于他康庄alking close with a cane.但这不是一条容易走的路,他在前进中将会遭遇不少困难。 然而他不孤单,他有一个正在努力奋斗着成为表演者的表姐Charlie, 她也刚刚失去自己的视力。在她的帮助下他找到了一 transformed himself into an outstanding comedian, turning his disability into ability, transforminghis responsibilities into hope and inspiration to the audience. An inspiring story is waiting for you in the movie《没啥可瞅》, it shows us how our passion and courage can achieve what we want despite our limitations. It also encourages us to see different abilities of people and respect each kind of different capability…

